Agriculture Trade Education Council Forms to Provide Reliable Trade Information to Public

27 October, 2021


CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029


WASHINGTON, DC - North American Meat Institute (NAMI) International Trade Policy Specialist Michael Schumpp has been elected Treasurer of the Board of Directors for the newly formed Agriculture Trade Education Council (ATEC), which officially launched today. ATEC's mission is to provide understandable and reliable information on trade to inform and empower decision-making that facilitates growth in U.S. food and agriculture.



ATEC's Board of Directors brings decades of experience helping farmers, policy makers, and business navigate the global economy. They aim to promote trade by broadening Americans' understanding of trade policies and how to engage in international trade.


In addition to Schumpp, ATEC's board members include: Michael Anderson, Corn Refiners Association; Melissa Kessler, U.S. Grains Council; Lance Jungmeyer, Fresh Produce Association of America; Becky Rasdall, International Dairy Foods Association; and Derek Sandison, Director of the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

ATEC issued a press release today detailing the organization's mission and goals, and providing further background information on ATEC and its board members.

"ATEC was established expressly for the purpose of deepening the understanding of trade's benefits and international trade's vital role in the agriculture community," ATEC Board Member Michael Anderson said in a speech to the International Tri-National Agriculture Accord. "ATEC is uniquely positioned to foster deeper trade education to realize the benefits of trade for our agriculture stakeholders."

People interested in ATEC's activities, trainings and continued work to inform the public on agricultural trade can sign up for updates at the bottom of the Council's website.


About the North American Meat Institute : The North American Meat Institute is a leading voice for the meat and poultry industry. The Meat Institute's members process the vast majority of U.S. beef, pork, lamb, and poultry, as well as manufactures the equipment and ingredients needed to produce safe, high quality meat and poultry products.